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Course Policy

Diversity and Equality


HKIWB is committed to maintaining the principles of diversity and equality in all areas of its work. HKIWB seeks to ensure that all stakeholders are treated fairly and equally at all times. HKIWB ensures equality of opportunity for candidates by:


  • Our school is wheelchair accessible.

  • We require our staff to allow candidates with special educational needs, disabilities and temporary injuries access to our events

  • We welcome students who do not consume alcohol and/or have special dietary restrictions for personal reasons (e.g. religious belief or health requirements) are not disadvantaged and are able to take our Level 1 and 2 qualifications.

  • Promoting open access to qualifications (whilst acting in-line with the legal minimum age for the retail purchase of alcohol as well as assessment competence standards)

  • Ensuring that both the format and content of all specifications, examinations, and other materials do not unlawfully discriminate against anyone on the basis of disability, age, marriage and civil partnership, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or beliefs, sex and sexual orientation (whilst acting in-line with the legal minimum age for the retail purchase of alcohol as well as assessment competence standards)

  • Allowing candidates with special educational needs, disabilities, or temporary injuries to access assessments and qualifications without changing the demands of the assessment(s) or examination(s)

  • Ensuring that this policy is considered during the development of new qualifications, materials, and other projects

  • Inviting feedback on diversity issues from students and other stakeholders

  • Regularly reviewing this policy to ensure that it continues to meet legislative and organisational requirements and is fit for purpose


This Diversity & Equality Policy applies to all HKIWB team members and any individual acting on behalf of HKIWB. We welcome in our events all drinks industry professionals and enthusiasts, and strive for opportunities to work with a wide range of people.


HKIWB welcomes any and all feedback with regard to areas for improvement in terms of diversity and equality. Candidates who believe that they may have been unfairly discriminated against by any member of HKIWB should bring this to the attention of HKIWB as soon as possible by contacting

Conflicts of Interest

As an Approved Program Provider (APP) of WSET, Hong Kong Institute of Wine and Beverage (HKIWB) is required to identify to WSET and assist in managing or monitoring actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest (‘Conflicts of Interest’) involving both HKIWB staff and students. This policy complements WSET’s conflicts of interest policy and works to safeguard the integrity of WSET qualifications and promote confidence in WSET and HKIWB processes and procedures.

This policy applies to all HKIWB staff and students and to any individual acting on behalf of HKIWB.

A Conflict of Interest exists where an individual has interests or loyalties that could adversely influence their judgement, objectivity or loyalty to WSET or HKIWB when conducting activities associated with WSET qualifications.

Examples of Conflicts of Interest include:

  • The assessment of candidates by an individual who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment for any or all individuals concerned;

  • The moderation of assessment of candidates by an individual who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment for any or all individuals concerned;

  • The undertaking of a WSET qualification by any individual employed by an APP;

  • The invigilation of a WSET assessment by any individual involved in the delivery of training leading to the assessment;

  • The coaching of candidates by any individual involved in the assessment of candidate scripts;

  • The employment by an APP of individuals engaged in the delivery of taught programmes or in the role of Internal Assessor in another APP;

  • The investigation of a non-compliance incident by someone who is unable to act impartially.

Some of these Conflicts of Interest are manageable and therefore acceptable. For example, if family member of one of HKIWB’s educators or APP staff takes a qualification and exam through HKIWB or when an employee of HKIWB, or of the WSET, takes a WSET qualification through HKIWB we can notify WSET in advance and work with them to put in place measures to maintain the integrity of the exam.

Some Conflicts of Interest are not manageable and are not acceptable. For example, no mitigation efforts overcome the conflict created when an individual when a single individual serves as the educator and exam officer of an exam for a family member where an external invigilator is not available.

Any staff member or student of HKIWB who becomes aware of a Conflict of Interest must inform as soon as possible. Our staff of HKIWB will inform the WSET of the possible conflict of interest and will work with WSET to put any protective or mitigating measures in place to manage the conflict on a case-by-case basis. If WSET and HKIWB determine the conflict is not manageable, our staff of HKIWB will inform any impacted staff or students.

Please note that the failure to declare a conflict of interest may have consequences for the student or HKIWB because we are required to report conflicts to WSET.

Reasonable Adjustments

Both WSET and Hong Kong Institute of Wine and Beverage (HKIWB) want to make WSET assessments accessible for all students, so none are at an advantage or disadvantage based on a disability or differing ability. This policy and the reasonable adjustment process allows us HKIWB to work with you, our student, before an assessment to gather the information we need to submit a request to WSET and work with them to make arrangements that give students access to WSET qualifications.

A reasonable adjustment is any accommodation or arrangement that helps to reduce the effect of a known disability or difficulty that substantially disadvantages a student’s assessment. Using a reasonable adjustment does not impact how WSET grades your exam, or your result, but WSET cannot agree to reasonable adjustments where your particular difficulty directly affects performance necessary to complete the assessment outcomes (e.g. inability to smell or taste for a Level 3 Exam). The goal of a reasonable adjustment is to give you equal access to a WSET qualification, not to give unfair advantages over other students who take an assessment without the same adjustment, or to affect the overall reliability of the assessment outcomes that are explained in the course Specification.

Examples of reasonable adjustments may be:

  • Changing standard assessment arrangements, for example allowing candidates extra time to complete the assessment activity;

  • Adapting assessment materials, such as providing materials in large text format;

  • Providing access facilitators during assessment, such as a sign language interpreter or reader;

  • Re-organising the assessment room, such as removal of visual stimuli for an autistic candidate.

HKIWB will gather the information we need from you to submit a Reasonable Adjustment Application form to WSET. WSET must approve and arrange reasonable adjustments before the assessment activity takes place. Before completing enrolment with HKIWB, we will give all students access to this policy and the chance to identify any special needs that could require a reasonable adjustment. If a student identifies a special need, HKIWB will give the student the Reasonable Adjustment Application form as soon as possible and work with the student to gather the necessary information.

For any student seeking a reasonable adjustment, please contact with:

  • Your full name;

  • contact information;

  • description of the special need, disability or differing ability that requires an adjustment; and

  • supporting documentation.

You must submit this information at least 30 calendar days before the exam date for Levels 1-3 qualifications. The information you submit will be shared with WSET and will be handled under WSET’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

HKIWB will keep records of all reasonable adjustment applications.

Special Considerations


Special consideration is any adjustment given to a student who has temporarily experienced an illness or injury, or other event outside of their control at the time of the exam that significantly affects their ability to take the exam or their ability to show their knowledge and understanding in the assessment. Special consideration is only for things that happen immediately before or during an exam that have a material impact on your, the student’s, ability to take the exam or on your performance. To be eligible for special consideration, you must have completed the whole course and would have been fully prepared if not for the temporary illness, injury or other uncontrollable event. A special consideration may be for an individual (e.g. a student becomes ill the day of the exam) or a group of students (e.g. an exam is interrupted by a natural disaster).

You may be eligible for special consideration if:

  • Your performance on the exam is adversely affected by an event outside of your control. This may include temporary illness, temporary injury, bereavement or exam room conditions;

  • Reasonable adjustments which were agreed in advance of the exam proved inappropriate or inadequate;

  • The application of special consideration would not make a passing result and certificate misleading about the student’s ability to satisfy the qualification’s assessment criteria.

Applying for special consideration

If you have taken an exam, or your exam is immediately approaching, and you feel that you have a temporary injury or illness, or other uncontrollable event that has interfered with your ability to complete your exam, please contact as soon as possible. Hong Kong Institute of Wine and Beverage (HKIWB) will provide you with a Special Consideration Application Form, which must be completed and returned with supporting documentation within 5 working days after the effected exam. The information you submit will be shared with WSET and will be handled under WSET’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

If there has been serious disruption during an exam affecting a group of students, HKIWB will submit a detailed report of the circumstances and candidates affected to WSET to request a special consideration.

HKIWB will keep records of all applications for special consideration.


Room 6, 2/F, International Plaza, 20 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Institute of Wine and Beverage. All Rights Reserved.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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